How do I get a notification when business cards are finished uploading from the mobile app?

Scan to Salesforce doesn't currently have a notification function. But you can use Salesforce's reports function to receive a notification about business card data awaiting transfer. Please note that you need report editing permissions to do this.

1. Create a custom report type

Go to the Salesforce dashboard and in the top right select the gear icon > Setup > Platform Tools > Feature Settings > Analytics > Reports & Dashboards > Record Types, and create a custom report type with SSCard set as the Primary Object. See here for more information.


2. Create a report

Open the Reports tab from the App Launcher and create a new report. Choose the record type you created, add columns that you want to view in the report, and click the Save & Run button.


3. Subscribe to get report notifications

Go to the report you created and select Subscribe in the dropdown menu on the top right. Edit the subscription schedule for the time you want to receive notifications, and save.


*Reports will include only business card data uploaded using the logged-in account.

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